RLT Group

[VIDEO] Emergency Test Key Types

[VIDEO] Emergency Test Key Types

We have a lot of requests from our clients wanting to know what test key to use for what call point. Here Carl explains in detail which of these keys you need to use depending on what brand call point you have. You can always call us on 0151 480 4000 or email sales@rltgroup.co.uk and we will be glad to help.

We are ofen asked which type of test key is used for which emergency test point

The above illustration shows which key you use for which
emergency test point

K3-4565E This test key is specifically for the Eaton range of
call points.

K3-4565 This test key is specifically for the Crabtree range of
call points.

K3-4565 This test key is specifically for the Legrand range of
call points.

K3-4565M This test key is specifically for the MK range of
call points.

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