RLT Group

Privacy & Cookie Policy

***Please note calls to RLT Group are recorded for training and quality purposes.  Data is held in accordance with GDPR guidelines***

General Privacy Policy

Your personal data – what is it?

Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data.  Identification can be by the information alone or in conjunction with any other information in the data controller’s possession or likely to come into such possession. The processing of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (the “GDPR”).

Who are we?

RLT Group Global Ltd (“we” or “us”) is the data controller (contact details below).  This means it decides how your personal data is processed and for what purposes.

RLT Group Global Ltd
Riverside House
Stretton Way
L36 6JF

How do we process your personal data?

We comply with its obligations under the GDPR by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data.

We use your personal data for the following purposes: –

  • Providing you with relevant information on products and services
  • Keep you updated on your orders and quotations
  • Give you updates on new innovations that will make your life easier
  • Share articles and features that we believe are relevant

What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?

Article 6 processing

Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subject or to take steps to enter into a contract – this can include home addresses for delivery, email address for updates and phone numbers for text and/or phone updates.

Processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the data controller or a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests, rights or freedoms of the data subject

Sharing your personal data

Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential, and will be shared only with key partners of RLT Group Global Ltd that are required for us to fulfil our obligations to you such as delivery partners and providers of technology we adopt to make your life easier.  We will only share your data with third parties outside of the parish with your consent.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We keep your personal data for no longer than reasonably necessary for a period of seven years in order to ensure history of contractual obligations or six years for marketing.  You can opt-out of marketing at any time by contacting our DPO or unsubscribing from our mailing list.

Your rights and your personal data

Unless subject to an exemption, you have the following rights with respect to your personal data: –

  • The right to request a copy of your personal data which we hold about you;
  • The right to request that we correct any personal data if it is found to be inaccurate or out of date;
  • The right to request your personal data is erased where it is no longer necessary for us to retain such data;
  • The right to request that that we provide you with your personal data and where possible, to transmit that data directly to another data controller, (known as the right to data portability), (where applicable).
  • The right, where there is a dispute in relation to the accuracy or processing of your personal data, to request a restriction is placed on further processing;
  • The right to object to the processing of personal data, (where applicable)
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office.

Transfer of Data Abroad

Data is only transferred to EU or US companies to help us make life easier for you.  Any US companies that data is shared with is covered by the Privacy Shield mechanism.

Further processing

If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by this Data Protection Notice, then we will provide you with a new notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions. Where and whenever necessary, we will seek your prior consent to the new processing.

Contact Details

To exercise all relevant rights, queries or complaints please contact the Data Protection Officer at DPO@rltgroup.co.uk.

You can contact the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113 or via email https://ico.org.uk/global/contact-us/email/ or at the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire. SK9 5AF.


We use cookies to give you the best online experience. By using our website you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with our cookie policy.

We do not use cookies for collecting user information. Log files allow us to record visitor’s use of the site to enable us to enhance the future layout of the site.

The data we gather in this way does not contain any personal information or information about which other sites you have visited.If you provide feedback on our website we will only use it to develop and improve the site. We will keep the actual feedback for six months after which it will be deleted but analysis of feedback may be kept.

We use both session cookies and persistent cookies on this website. We will/may send to you the following cookies:

Google Analytics:

Name: __utma Reason: Used by Google Analytics. This cookie is used to determine you as an unique visitor for which you are assigned a unique ID. Expires: 2 years from set/update.

Name: __utmb Reason: Used by Google Analytics. This cookie is used to establish and continue a user session when using our website. Expires: 30 mins from set/update.

Name: __utmc Reason: Used by Google Analytics. This cookie is used to establish and continue a user session when using our website. __utmb now replaces __utmc but may still be used. Expires: End of browser session.

Name: __utmz Reason: Used by Google Analytics. This cookie stores how you came to our website / how you were referred to us. Expires: 6 months from set/update.

Name: __utmz Reason: Used to throttle request rate. Expires: 10 minutes.